Monday, April 25, 2011

Third Thought

I was thinking about this, this morning….

The fact that Barack Obama is the President of the United States or for that matter that George W. Bush was the President does not determine if I personally except their authority or personally like their polices and positions. The fact is that they are Presidents and heads of this country.
The same argument can be applied to Jesus. The Scriptures affirm Him as Messiah and Lord. His Death and Resurrection affirm His authority and power.  HE said He was One with the Father in John’s Gospel and made many other claims. If I personal accept Him as such is quite another thing, which is not based upon my personal preference. I actually have no right or place to question Him based upon the evidence. Unless, I actually have evidence to refute His work and person, which through the ages, since His Church began many have tried and failed, I have not ground to stand on in my case against Jesus. Begging the question can this also add to his validity?
No one can claim Barack Obama is not the President of the United States unless of course they have evidence that he is an impostor...or they are crazy, right?
Or refute the validity of his citizenship and claim to the Presidency, which we see some doing or change the founding documents meaning and relevancy in today’s culture.
We also see this happen to Ye’shua/Jesus: attacks on His Words, the validity of Scripture, the historical fact that he actually was born of a virgin and lived in time and space and died upon a cross and rose again three days later, appear to many and ascended to Heaven with the promise that He would return someday for His people and right all wrongs.... it is interest most people except that Julius Caesar existed without question, yet there is less evidence and copies of his writings then we have of the massive amounts of evidence about the question is have you based your personal opinion on Jesus the Messiah on facts and evidence or upon assumptions and biases?  Like many who cannot refute the fact that Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States.... maybe we need to ask why we hold this position if the evidence can not be disproved?
 Just a thought.
Soli Deo Gloria

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